Sick Notes/Social Welfare Certs


Sick Note for Work
A sick note requires that the doctor certify that the patient is unwell - a consultation will therefore be required so that the doctor can assess you. Your GP will provide one medical certificate to cover the full duration of your illness. We do not issue weekly certs. If the sick cert needs to be extended for a longer time than initially given you can request a sick cert for work below. Please note the doctor may need to contact you to discuss this further prior to issuing the cert and a further consultation may be required. 24 hours notice will be required prior to collection. A fee may be charged for this service.

Children Returning to School/Childcare
If your child is returning to school/childcare after an absence, they do not require a GP certificate. Please liaise with your school/childcare facility for their specific return to school protocol, as they may require you to complete documentation. 

Illness Benefit
You may get Illness Benefit from the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection (DEASP) if you cannot work because you are sick or ill. You must be aged under 66, covered by the appropriate class of social insurance (PRSI) and satisfy the PRSI conditions.

 You must get a medical certificate called a ‘Certificate of Incapacity for Work’ from your GP - which is submitted electronically by the GP through a secure system. You must send a paper Illness Benefit claim form (IB1) by freepost to the Department of Employment Affairs & Social Protection to open your claim.

A first social welfare certificate will only be issued following consultation with the doctor and/or by providing correspondence from a hospital doctor (for example following a surgical procedure). In the case of hospital doctor correspondence exact dates are required. The form can not be completed without your PPS number so please have this to hand.

 Your GP completes the medical certificate at your consultation. Your GP will provide one medical certificate to cover the full duration of your illness, sometimes you will need to return for further review. 

 The Citizens Information website contains a wealth of information on Sick Leave and Sick Pay and Illness Benefit.

 The nationwide EmployAbility Service provides an employment support service for people with a health condition, injury, illness or disability and a recruitment advice service for the business community.